

伦敦呸!咄!学生将在伦敦学习4门课程,共16个学分. 所有的学生 是否需要参加 斯克里布纳尔出版社研讨会火博体育学院协调员授课,另外3门课程由 程序. 所有课程都将包括与课程内容相关的文化活动 充分利用伦敦的宝贵资源. 所有课程都是专门开发的 为我们的学生,并将在CEA CAPA中心提供. 

火博体育的斯克里布纳研讨会是火博体育成功的重要基础 and introduces first-year students to a number of the College’s intellectual expectations 学习方法. 每个学生将参加两个斯克里布纳研讨会中的一个 在伦敦发售.



In addition to the 斯克里布纳尔出版社研讨会, students will enroll in 3 additional courses, 每门课程都由CEA CAPA的教员讲授. 所有课程均为4学分 你将在伦敦的秋季学期总共获得16个学分. 

Below is the tentative list of courses to be offered in addition to the 斯克里布纳尔出版社研讨会s 2024年秋季. 请注意,此课程列表可能会更改. 伦敦呸!咄!学生将参加一个特殊的伦敦注册过程 由OCSE的伦敦呸!咄!项目经理管理. 详细信息 报名时间为5月底/ 6月初. 伦敦金融学院的学生就不应该这样 submit preferences for 斯克里布纳尔出版社研讨会s or register for classes on the Skidmore campus. 

In the early twenty-first century, museums are becoming increasingly more relevant to all parts of society, and exhibition displays are often controversial and politically 带电. 本课程介绍英国社会、文化和博物馆学. The course considers museums as reflections of the British psyche, unique cultural 帮助我们理解“英国性”的结构. 我们也会去参观博物馆 as institutions of 'global' heritage in the context of a global city, with a unique 英国人的角度来看,. 作为博物馆学的入门课程,本课程将探讨 development of the modern museum and its operation, as well as interrogate the different 博物馆的种类. 我们将着眼于对英国历史、社会和政治的影响 have had on London museums, their creation and their day-to-day operations and audiences. Taking advantage of our location, we will do field work in eight different museums, 从著名的庞大的“全球”大英博物馆到小型的私人博物馆 萨奇画廊.

Students will analyse the ways in which imperialism and its legacy, as well as Britain’s 全球关系影响了博物馆的发展,以及它如何产生 遗产政治. 我们会讨论文化挪用的问题 火博体育遣返还是保护的政治辩论. 这场辩论最近一直在进行 因为伊斯兰国对许多人所说的全球遗产的掠夺 伊拉克和叙利亚. 我们也会关注物质文化以及它的含义 个人与社会. 学生将研究选择,道德,政治和 社会意义既有物质文化的创造,也有物质文化的收集和伦理的建构 保存及修复. 而物质文化的创造具有特殊性 psychological, social and often political meanings; collecting, preserving and displaying one particular object involves a very complex decision-making process which is influenced 决策者的文化价值观.  例如,我们将研究其影响 古典时期对英国社会的过去和现在,其重要性 英国的阶级和教育,以及这如何反映在博物馆藏品中. Students will also look at the complex decision making of conservators and restorers. 这些决定具有社会和政治影响,选择强调一个时期 用在另一个上面. 本课程还将密切关注决策者及其行为 role in the museum industry, the origins of museums from individuals to trade exhibitions and current museum professionals, as well as the impact museum audiences have on the 博物馆的工作. 学生们还将研究社区对博物馆发展的影响, on exhibition creation, how engaged museums are with their communities, and how the 伦敦独特的多样性反映(或没有)在它的博物馆里.


这 course will focus on literature inspired by London - one of the most beautiful 地球上的城市. 伦敦是一个既真实又虚幻的地方. 伦敦一直都是 并将继续成为来自世界各地的作家和思想家的家园和避风港 世界. 

这 course will examine the relationship between literature and its varied settings. The distinctions between real and imagined places, and the ways in which these places 是文学作品中描写的,是经过严格分析的. 我们也会看到 在文学中唤起特定环境的方式. 文学的例子 研究内容包括小说、短篇故事、散文和诗歌. 


The course explores the craft of creative writing through analysis of selected literature and poetry in relation to the city and explores the challenges of writing about place. We will examine different aspects of the city in relation to London narratives including the river, travel, urban spaces, solitude, ethnicity, particular boroughs, and characters (both fictional and real) as well as making use of practical exercises and field work.


这 introductory class for first year students examines the natural relationships between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere; human impacts on the natural environment, and global environmental issues: global warming, sea-level 上升,以及平流层的臭氧消耗. 过去的全球变化也是如此 为预测变化而研究. 包括写作练习.


英国如何看待自己? 简单地说,目前有许多相互冲突的版本 英国,英国身份和“英国性”. 最有效的方法之一 understanding a nation is by examining the images, values, symbols, and individuals 一个国家通过它来建构和表现自己、它的历史和价值观. 这种多学科的 课程探讨了各种形式的国家代表——“理想和图标” ——调查现代英国和英国人的身份是如何形成的 无论是在国内还是在国际上,想象、构建、记忆和体验. 这 theme is examined through specific topics including: imperialism, war and their legacies; the development of consumer culture; immigration and racial politics; institutions such as the monarchy and government, the BBC and the NHS, and varieties of often-contentious 政治和文化异议. 这门课程也让学生有机会 engage directly with the heritage industry and contemporary British culture, utilizing 伦敦的城市景观及其众多独特的街区、文化场所, 历史遗迹作为主要的分析工具. 课程是按主题安排的, 结合上下文讲座,电影,研讨会讨论和每周实地研究. 重点将放在理解和解释英国战争的遗产上 past upon the ways in which the contemporary nation and British identities are structured 在21世纪.


先决条件:  High school preparation including trigonometry; Appropriate scores on Skidmore's 定量推理诊断安置 火博体育的 微积分分科考试. 学生可以根据SAT和ACT考试成绩免除QR诊断.

The topics included will be (but not limited to): functions, more on functions, limits, derivatives, a review of differentiation, the second derivative, advanced techniques in differentiation, related rates of change, calculating extrema, integration, Introduction 到黎曼和,分部积分法,代换法和均值法 值定理. 

The sessions draw on various learning formats - seminar, workshop, “chalk and talk”, guided research task (set tutorial tasks) – whose forms and purposes will be clearly explained, further encouraging students to become active and reflective learners who 充分理解为什么这些技能是必要的和有价值的 主题的特长.


世界各地的城市都在努力“全球化”. 本课程着重于开发 of one of the greatest of these global cities, London, from the nineteenth through to the twenty-first century and investigates the nature and implications of its ‘globality’ 因为它的建筑环境和社会地理.  我们将研究这个城市是如何 被工业化、帝国主义和全球化的力量所改变 and consider the ways in which London and its inhabitants have been shaped by their 与世界其他地方的关系.  学生们将深入了解伦敦的文化 changing identity as a 世界 city, with a particular emphasis on analysis of the city’s imperial, postcolonial and transatlantic connections; the ways in which past and present, local and global intertwine in the capital; and comparative study of urban change 在世界范围内.  课程按时间顺序组织:主题包括维多利亚时代 metropolis; London as an imperial space; representations of the city in media, film and popular culture; multicultural London; London as a commercial centre of global capitalism; the impact of urban ‘mega-事件s’; future scenarios of urban change.


城市剧院将把学生置于剧院体验的中心. 什么是戏剧,它的品质、条件和界限是什么? 有限制吗? 就主题而言,戏剧可以表现什么? 观众是如何参与的? 被刺激了又被激怒了,又有什么目的呢? 戏剧是什么哲学问题 体验参与,以及它们如何在现场表演中表现出来 事件? 在我们的旅程中,我们会考虑戏剧的起源,角色的变化 of performers and spectators over time, and also assess the theatre’s future prospects.



If you have any questions about course registration for London or course offerings, 请联系 肯德拉·尼尔森他是伦敦财政年度项目经理. 


信贷s and grades from the 在伦敦的第一年经历 will be Skidmore credits 成绩:学生将获得Skidmore学分,成绩将被计算在内 火博体育大学的平均分.

