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Skidmore College
Health 服务

Temporary Medical Parking Permit

Due to injuries or medical conditions, students may require accommodations for parking or vehicle use on campus.  Health 服务 is able to provide students 临时 medical parking permits on campus if requirements are met.  

Temporary medical parking permits allow students to park in on-campus student overnight lots and commuter lots that may be closer to buildings (excluding Barrett Loop). 的 following apply to parking permits provided by Health 服务:  

  • For students only: Employees or visitors are not eligible  
  • Typically approved for a 2-week time-period  
  • Serve as a supplement to an on-campus parking permit: Every vehicle needs to comply 与 Campus Safety guidelines 
  • DO NOT allow parking in handicapped spaces. 司机 will be ticketed for parking in these areas. For permanent disability/formal handicapped parking accommodation please see NYS DMV. 

 To submit a request for a 临时 medical parking permit please call Health 服务 at 518-580-5550 or e-mail to receive an electronic form and instructions.   

 Please note that additional medical information may be requested. Providing this information does not guarantee approval.